This goes out to a lot of females and I'm not going to target any particular ones..okay..sometimes I target army wives and thats just because I been around them for far too long and long enough to know their immature tyrants.
One thing in particular I have issues with is females and their weight problems. If you are under a size 10 and think you have to stay under just to make your man happy you have insecurity issues..if your man agrees that you should, he's a douchebag who deserves to get kicked in his balls.
I struggled with my weight for years. During the last half of my failed marriage I was up to 250 lbs and probably did look horridly disgusting to my husband at the time(me attempting sex was failed numerous times mind you). Yes, I know there is a difference between morbidly obese and curvy..I was just gross...
If your man loves you enough he won't care if you gained some weight. He should support your goals though but not force you to stay under a certain weight or dress size. The average size of a woman is around 14-16 which was Marilyn Monroe's dress size and men loved and adored her. If a guy doesn't like a woman that size he needs a reality check and fast. I knew some guys who say "If I wanted to date a female who has the body of a 10 year old boy, I'd date the 10 year old boy"
Gross analogy really but we get the point.
Point being is this:
A real man loves curves and loves a woman who gains some weight but loves her body women will gain and lose weight all our lives, we need to embrace that fact and find men who embrace it also. The shallow men can all live on their imaginary planet with fake women who they can break in half when they have sex with them.
Just saying.
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